Public and civil society together towards sustainable use of energy resources

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: South-Western Serbia

Outcome 1: Improved capacities and strategic framework on a local level for the work of CSOs, local governments and other interested parties, regarding their work to improve energy efficiency in accordance with legal obligations, community needs and EU experiences.
Outcome 2: Improved cooperation and dialogue on local and regional level between CSO and governments in the area of energy efficiency.
Output 1: Civil society organizations have improved capacities for the implementation of principles and measure of sustainable development of energy sector.
Output 2: Local governments of South-Western Serbia have improved their potentials for the preparation and implementation of Local action plan of energy efficiency on a local level.
Output 3: Created framework for active participation of CSOs on local and regional level by signing a Pact between mayors and defining cooperation models.

Donor: Regional Environment Centre (REC)

Year of implementation: April 2013/February 2014

Sustainable use of energy resources
Sustainable use of energy resources
Sustainable use of energy resources
Sustainable use of energy resources
Sustainable use of energy resources
Sustainable use of energy resources
Sustainable use of energy resources
Sustainable use of energy resources
Sustainable use of energy resources
