INTEGRATED - Integrated approach to protecting the environment through contracting and implementation of sustainable agriculture

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: South-Western Serbia

Outcome 1: Improved capacity and planning framework at the local level for action CSO, local governments and other stakeholders to improve the agro-ecological activities and the inclusion of vulnerable groups of the population.
Outcome 2: Improved cooperation and dialogue at the national level between decision-makers and civil society in the creation of a legal framework and implementation of agro-environmental measures.
Output 1: Civil society organizations have the capacity for active participation in the implementation of the principles and measures of sustainable agriculture.
Output 2: Improved capacity of local authorities, civil society and stakeholders for the implementation of agro-environmental measures, sustainable agriculture and involvement small agricultural holdings and vulnerable groups in sustainable agriculture system.
Output 3: Created a framework for the implementation of agro-environmental measures in the national and IPARD measures through active dialogue of civil society and decision-makers at the national level.

Donor: Regional Environment Centre (REC)

Year of implementation: August 2014/July 2015

Integrated approach to protecting the environment
Integrated approach to protecting the environment
Integrated approach to protecting the environment
Integrated approach to protecting the environment
Integrated approach to protecting the environment
Integrated approach to protecting the environment
Integrated approach to protecting the environment
Integrated approach to protecting the environment
Integrated approach to protecting the environment
