Call for consultations on regional cross-border priorities in reducing greenhouse gas emissions

The project "Reducing the impact of local communities in the cross-border region of Serbia and Montenegro on climate challenges - WE CAN" defines regional cross-border priorities in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in order to improve regional cooperation and coordinated action to reduce the negative impact on climate change.

During the two-day workshop "Energy efficiency and use of solar energy to reduce the negative impact on climate change", which was held on December 23 and 24, 2019 in Berane, a working version of regional cross-border priorities in reducing greenhouse gas emissions was defined.

A phase of final consultations on regional cross-border priorities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is under way. The defined priorities will be presented to other target groups in the coming period and the final recommendations will be defined through individual consultations.

We invite all stakeholders to comment on the document "Regional cross-border priorities in reducing greenhouse gas emissions".

You can send more information and comments to the e-mail . 

Deadline for comments is 15th January 2021.

The project "Reducing the impact of local communities in the cross-border region of Serbia and Montenegro on climate challenges - WE CAN" is funded by the European Union within the cross-border cooperation program Serbia-Montenegro.

Poziv za konsultacije o regionalnim prekograničnim prioritetima u smanjenju emisije gasova sa efektom staklene bašte