A two-day workshop "Energy efficiency and using solar energy for reduction negative impact on the climate changes"
Within the project " Reducing impact of local communities of the cross-border region of Serbia-Montenegro to climate challenges - WE CAN " in order to improve regional cooperation and coordinated action to reduce the negative impact on climate change, a two-day workshop "Energy efficiency and use of solar energy to reduce negative climate change impacts ".
A two-day workshop "Energy efficiency and the use of solar energy to reduce the negative impact on climate change" was held on December 23rd and 24th, 2020 in Berane. The workshop was attended by 25 representatives of the public, civil and business sectors from the cross-border area of Serbia-Montenegro.
In the introductory part of the workshop, examples of good practice in the use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency were presented, with a positive impact on climate change.
In the second part of the workshop, participants in a participatory way defined the first version of regional cross-border priorities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The defined priorities will be presented to other target groups in the coming period and the final recommendations will be defined through individual consultations.
The project "Reducing impact of local communities of the cross-border region of Serbia-Montenegro to climate challenges - WE CAN" is funded by the European Union within the Cross-border cooperation programme Serbia-Montenegro.