Elementary school in Mataruga equipped for heating with renewable energy
About 70 students from grades 1-4 attend classes in the school building of the elementary school "Đura Jakšić" in Mataruga. Until 2019, heating oil was used as an energy source for heating the building. With the cooperation of the elementary school "Đura Jakšić" and project partners on the project "Reducing impact of local communities of the cross-border region of Serbia-Montenegro to climate challenges - WE CAN", a new boiler of 100kW was installed which uses pellets as an energy source.
The installation of the pellet boiler, in addition to reducing the costs for the supply of energy, also achieved a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and thus a negative impact on climate change. The reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is about 15 tons per year.
The project "Reducing impact of local communities of the cross-border region of Serbia-Montenegro to climate challenges - WE CAN" is funded by the European Union within the cross-border cooperation program Serbia-Montenegro.