Provision of expert services for basic analysis, formulation of a study of possible models of management of the Nature Park” Golija “and preparation of an action plan for the development of Nature Park “Golija”
Role: Project carrier
Place of realization: Nature Park “Golija”, Republic of Serbia
Problem with which the project deals with: The project is directly focused on solving the lack of clear control mechanisms for the development of the Nature Park “Golija”, as well as the lack of a common planning document that outlines the aspirations of all 5 municipalities and cities on whose territory the protected area is located. Through its methodological approach to the goal, the project directly involves all key actors in the process of action planning and defining management models.
Project goals:
Creating mechanisms for managing the territory and sustainable development of tourism through proposing a management model and defining measures of development and action for the development of the Nature Park Golija.
Under the supervision of the Director of the European PROGRES program, and direct supervision of the director of Golija project, the consulting firm will conduct a basic assessment, a brief analysis of the indicative topics for the action plan, the development of a study on a possible model / management of the territory and the management of the tourist destination and prepare an action plan for the development of the Nature Park Golija.
Planned activities:
1. Identification and download of strategic and planning documents, of importance for the development and management of the Golija Nature Park;
2. Analysis of the relevance of the downloaded documents for the development of the Golija Nature Park;
3. Meeting with authorized representatives of 5 local self-governments (JLS) from Golija Nature Park, relevant representatives of national authorities and other relevant actors, for information and preliminary data collection purposes;
4. Defining the study trip program;
5. Defining the draft list of relevant actors for development planning and defining the management model for the Golija Nature Park;
6. Defining the communication plan for the implementation of the contract.
Donor: UNOPS
Year of implementation: April 2017 / October 2017