Primary schools in Pljevlja and Berane are supported in equipping green cabinets
Within the project "Reducing impact of local communities of the cross-border region of Serbia-Montenegro to climate challenges - WE CAN" in order to improve young people's knowledge about the possibilities of reducing the negative impact on climate change by using renewable sources and increasing energy efficiency, donated equipment for green cabinets.
As part of the project activities of establishing green cabinets and creating preconditions for better education of pupils, the Primary schools “Radomir Mitorvić” u Beranama and Primary schools “Salko Aljković” u Pljevljima and Elementary School "Rashka" in Rashka received equipment for green cabinets, namely: one solar system for production electricity of 480W, computer, projector, screen and two magnetic boards.
The project is funded by the European Union within the Cross-border cooperation program Serbia-Montenegro.