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Project implemetnting:

1.    Asocijacija za razvoj Ibarskih inicijativa „IDA“ iz Kraljeva
2.    JEP „Toplana“ iz Kraljeva
3.    JKP „Grijanje“ iz Pljevalja
4.    Centar ekoloških inicijativa iz Berana

Implementation period: 8.6.2019-7.10.2020.godine

Locations of the action: Serbia and Montenegro

Cities and municipalities: Kraljevo, Novi Pazar, Priboj, Nova Varoš, Vrnjačka Banja, Raška, Pljevlja, Berana, Bijelo Polje, Kolašin, Mojkovac.

About project

The project "Reducing the impact of local communities in the cross-border region of Serbia-Montenegro to ClimAte chaNges - WE CAN", with its activities, results and specific goal, significantly contributes to achieving the specific objective of the program: Better awareness - Improved awareness of the inhabitants and industry on the importance of environment and nature protection.

The action contributes to program objectives through improving the state of the environment in local communities and improving the awareness of local stakeholders by improving the technical capacities of public companies operating in the heat supply sector, school facilities, as well as improving human capacities for reducing the negative impact of local communities on climate changes, as well as the creation of regional platforms for joint action, as well as youth education through a common curriculum program.

The action will contribute to improved awareness of the inhabitants and industry on the importance of environment and nature protection through programme outputs indicators achievement:
(i) Cross-border management plans agreed; The action will support cross-border dialogue and dialogue at the national level on regional cross-border priorities in reducing greenhouse gases emissions through energy efficiency and renewable energy sources utilization. At the end of the action, cross-border actors will have a harmonized plan that will define further courses of action and improvement of the state of the environment and the impact of local communities.
 (ii) Implementation awareness campaigns on environment issues; In order to improve the state of the environment and reduce the negative impact of local communities on the environment, within the action a series of campaigns will be organized for improving awareness through informing school youth about climate changes and renewable energy sources, informing the public about climate changes and a possible contribution of each individual and local community, through the establishment and presentation of practical measures for mitigating the impact of local communities on climate changes and the use of renewable energy sources (pellet, solar energy), the promotion of the achievements of the project which reduced the greenhouse gases emissions by approximately 104t / year, the education of children in newly established Green cabinets in 4 primary schools.
 (iii) Participants of capacity building activities in relation to management nature resources; The project will primarily focus its capacity building activities on school youth and employees in public energy companies "Toplana" Kraljevo and "Grijanje" Pljevlja and on schools, as well as on the same target groups from public companies that deal with the delivery of heat energy, which operate in other municipalities in the cross-border area. It should be particularly emphasized that 4 Green cabinets will be established in order to improve the capacities of the youth in the field of the environment, thus creating the possibility for the long-term impact of the project on capacity building. 
(iv) NGOs participating in capacity building and networking activities; Since NGOs are one of the key stakeholders in environmental protection, and as two NGOs are members of the project consortium, considerable attention is paid to building their capacities, as well as to networking with stakeholders from other sectors. First of all, when it comes to capacity building, NGOs will be supported through inclusion in the activities that contribute to it (workshops, conferences, consultations, developed joint environmental education curriculum program about renewable energy use, climate changes and environment, education of young people from primary and secondary schools ...). Networking will be supported through regional initiatives for developing environmental education curriculum, as well as the process of defining regional cross-border priorities in reducing greenhouse gases emissions will be supported through energy efficiency and renewable energy sources utilization. 
(v) Publicity events organized for the action’s promotion; One of the most important elements of the project is focused on the promotion of the project and the topic the project deals with. During the project, 9 promotional events will be realized, which will have a wide range of target groups, starting with primary and secondary school students, employees in public companies involved in the production and supply of heat energy, teaching staff, CSOs and the general public in local communities.

Overall objective:

To contribute to the protection of natural resources through pollution reduction, sustainable renewable energy usage and greenhouse gases emission reduction.
Specific objective: The local communities in the project area have built up technical capacities and have improved knowledge efficiently using local renewable sources and increasing energy efficiency as measures for reducing climate changes.

Expected results:

Result 1. Introduced innovative solutions concerning remote heating systems at the local level, with the goal of reducing climate change.
Result 2. Developed a model for establishing a system of paying for heat energy according to energy consumption, as a basis for more economical energy spending.
Result 3 Defined regional cross-border priorities in reducing greenhouse gases emission, through energy efficiency and renewable energy sources utilization.
Result 4. Realized 4 prototype projects in the field of using renewable energy sources in educational institutions.
Result 5. Established regional educational programme for pupils and students about climate changes.   
Result 6. Key actors of local self-governments in the cross-border area, as well as the general public, have received new knowledge on renewable energy sources and climate change.

Planed activities:

Working package 1. Introducing new and innovative technological solutions in remote heating systems at a local level. (Related to R1, R2, R3)
A1.1 Installation and introduction of solar system for electricity producing in PEC “Toplana” Kraljevo
A1.2 Improvement technical and human capacities of PE “Grijanje” Pljevlja for quick malfunction locating and immediate intervention in heating energy distribution
A1.3 Development a model for establishing a heat energy payment system according to consumption
A1.4 Organisation two day workshop "Energy efficiency and using solar energy for reduction negative impact on the climate changes"
WP2 Realization of a “pilot projects” in the field of RE, and creating prerequisites for beter student education in this area. (Related to R4&R5)
A2.1 Installation renewable heating energy systems in two schools in the project area
A2.2 Installation a small photovoltaic system for solar electric energy producing in 4 schools in the project area
A2.3 Establishing four “Green school cabinet” for renewable energy using
A2.4 Development environmental education curriculum programme about renewable energy using, climate changes and environment
WP3 Raising the level of knowledge of key actors in the border area on renewable energy and climate change. (Related to R6)
A3.1 Preparation, printing and distribution publications about renewable energy using, role of local communities in climate changes and project promotion.
A3.2 Promotion good practice.
A3.3 Organisation closing conference "The way to better energy efficiency and greater use of renewable energy sources.
A3.4 Preparation, recording and distribution of short prom movie about renewable energy using, role of local communities in climate changes and project promotion.

More about Cross-border programme Serbia-Montenegro

This presentation has been prepared with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this web presentation are the sole responsibility of Ibar Development Association “IDA”, and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

Role of organization: Partner


Overall objective 1: Strengthened incentives for SME development and reduction of unemployment through the exchange of experience, enhancing knowledge, increasing competitiveness and health safety in the beekeeping production in the border areas of Serbia and  Montenegro.

Overall objective 2: Provided contribution in connecting people, communities and exchanges of ideas in the Serbia and Montenegro border area.

Specific objective: Enhanced productivity and competitiveness of the rural areas in the beekeeping sector through the transfer of knowledge and examples of good practice and mutual partner activities in compliance with the principles of environmental protection and food health safety.

Results and activities

Result 1: Enhanced conditions for the development of beekeeping and the production of healthy food in the border area.

Activities contributing to achieving result 1:
A1.1 Consulting-advisory support
A1.2. Preparation and publications relating to beekeeping
A1.3. Public advocacy for increasing support to beekeeping by the local authorities
A1.4. Analysis of honey samples and the procurement of necessary medication
A1.5. Education of fruit growers and a campaign for safe fruit spraying

Result 2: Enhanced beekeeper cooperation in the border areas through the transfer of knowledge and experience and learning the examples of good practice.

Activities contributing to achieving result 2:
A2.1. Organization of a beekeeping excursion for beekeepers from MNE to SER
A2.2. Organization of a mentor visit of beekeepers from SER to beekeepers in MNE
A2.3. Enhancing beekeeping access to information
A2.4. Development and implementation of good beekeeping practice standards

Result 3: Enhanced productivity and competitiveness of the beekeepers and created conditions for monitoring the production of healthy food.

Activities contributing to achieving result 3:
A3.1. Realization of a public selection of at least 60 beekeepers
A3.2. Procurement of equipment for enhancing productivity and competitiveness
A3.3. Selection of future mentors
A3.4. Establishment of internal procedures for respecting the “hygienic packages”

Result 4: Provided support to marginalized groups (youth, women, isolated rural population and ethnic minorities) in initiating their own exonomic activities for the purpose of increasing the social involvement and reduction of unemployment;

Activities contributing to achieving result 4:
A4.1. Realization of a public selection and choosing 80 beneficiaries;
A4.2. Procurement of beehives and swarms and delivery to selected beneficiaries
A4.3. Conducting mentoring for new beekeepers

Result 5: Efficiently promoted project, beekeeping and EU support.

Activities contributing to achieving result 5:
A5.1. Promo conferences and media promotion
A5.2. Preparation and distribution of promo-materials relating to the action
A5.3. Organization of four beekeeping exhibitions


Target groups
Existing beekeepers in Serbia-Montenegro cross border area,
Marginalized groups in Serbia-Montenegro cross border area,
Local beekeeping associations in Arilje, Pljevlja, Berane and Bijelo Polje municipalities

Final beneficiaries

Beekeepers in the border areas of Serbia and Montenegro.
The municipal managements of Arilje, Pljevlja, Bijelo Polje and Berane
Fruit producers in the border area
Unions of beekeepers associations of Serbia and Montenegro.
Customers of the honey from Serbia-Montenegro border area.

Link of the project:


Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok

Activities/results: Prepared 3 LED strategies with action plans

Donor: UNDP

Year of implementation: September 2013/May 2014

Role of organization: Partner

Place of realization: Republic of Serbia

Problem with which the project deals with: The project is directly focused on the lack of public support measures for organic agriculture in central and western Serbia. It directly involves all key actors: decision-makers on public policies, farmers and consumers.

Project goals:

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the development of sustainable agriculture through the strengthening of NGOs and the capacity of other key actors in Zlatibor, Raska and Podunavlje district, and to advocate the promotion of public policy at the local and national levels.

The specific objective is to promote and support the development of organic agriculture in Serbia through advocacy for the introduction and consistent application of public policy research, support for measures and subsidies in Zlatibor, Raška and Podunavlje district, affecting decision-makers, farmers and consumers.

Planned activities:

Activity 1: Scientific research on cost-effectiveness and analysis of competitiveness of organic agricultural production in Central and Western Serbia.

Activity 2: Supporting advocacy meetings of local actors on the benefits of conversion into organic and sustainable agriculture, as well as the needs of public administration support to the measures of sustainable agriculture in central and western Serbia.

Activity 3: Organic agriculture training for local farmers from central and western Serbia.

Activity 4: Final national event within the National Convent for monitoring Chapter 11-Agriculture and rural development.

Expected results:

Evidence prepared, in the form of scientific research, on the benefits of conversion to organic agriculture, which can be used as arguments for advocating conversion to organic production.

Increasing the interest of participants in Central and Western Serbia about the benefits of conversion to organic and sustainable agriculture, and the need for measures to support sustainable agriculture from public administration, using arguments based on research, knowledge and experiences of professional farmers.

Improved knowledge of local farmers on sustainable agriculture, methods of organic production, networking of farmers and organic food market.

The principles of sustainable agriculture and organic production are set to a higher level in the National Convent agenda, within the Working Group for monitoring Chapter 11 (RG7) agriculture and rural development, and among related local and national actors.

Donor: ORCA

Year of implementation: April 2017/October 2017

Role: Project carrier

Place of realization: Nature Park “Golija”, Republic of Serbia

Problem with which the project deals with: The project is directly focused on solving the lack of clear control mechanisms for the development of the Nature Park “Golija”, as well as the lack of a common planning document that outlines the aspirations of all 5 municipalities and cities on whose territory the protected area is located. Through its methodological approach to the goal, the project directly involves all key actors in the process of action planning and defining management models.

Project goals:
Creating mechanisms for managing the territory and sustainable development of tourism through proposing a management model and defining measures of development and action for the development of the Nature Park Golija.

Under the supervision of the Director of the European PROGRES program, and direct supervision of the director of Golija project, the consulting firm will conduct a basic assessment, a brief analysis of the indicative topics for the action plan, the development of a study on a possible model / management of the territory and the management of the tourist destination and prepare an action plan for the development of the Nature Park Golija.

Planned activities:
1. Identification and download of strategic and planning documents, of importance for the development and management of the Golija Nature Park;
2. Analysis of the relevance of the downloaded documents for the development of the Golija Nature Park;
3. Meeting with authorized representatives of 5 local self-governments (JLS) from Golija Nature Park, relevant representatives of national authorities and other relevant actors, for information and preliminary data collection purposes;
4. Defining the study trip program;
5. Defining the draft list of relevant actors for development planning and defining the management model for the Golija Nature Park;
6. Defining the communication plan for the implementation of the contract.

Donor: UNOPS

Year of implementation: April 2017 / October 2017

Role of organization: Project carrier

Place of realization: Republic of Serbia

The problem with which the project deals with: The Grant will be used to support the civil sector in creating preconditions for active participation in the creation and implementation of policies in the field of nature protection, climate change and civil protection, as well as for the promotion of CSOs’ activism in the process of European integration and the adoption of policies EU in these areas. Special attention will be paid to networking of CSOs, as well as further development of already existing mechanisms (SEKO mechanism) for civil sector involvement in donor fund planning, as well as dialogue with decision makers.

In addition, one segment of the institutional grant will be directed towards the implementation of activities that will support organizational development and ensuring a higher level of sustainability of CSOs.

When it comes to nature protection, the main focus will be on the sustainable development of agriculture, the sustainable development of protected areas, and the sustainable development of forestry. Within the theme Climate change, the greatest attention will be paid to the energy sector, both from the aspect of policy making and by improving the dialogue with local governments on the development of energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources. The Civil Protection Sector will be covered in the first year by improving the capacities of CSOs and local communities to integrate into the civil protection system itself.

During implementation, special attention will be paid to gender equality, as well as to other marginalized categories, such as young and rural communities.

Project goals:

To contribute to the participatory creation of public policies in environmental protection, the adoption of the legal framework of the European Union and its implementation, based on the principles of sustainable development, stakeholder consensus and active participation of civil society and local communities.

The contribution of the grant is reflected in improving the capacity of the civil sector to participate in policy making, improving the sustainability of CSOs and defining the strategic framework for their functioning, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, through the support of dialogue between the public and civil sector, further improve the mechanisms of cooperation and influence of civil society creating public policies and adopting EU policy in the environmental sector.

Planned activities:

Work Package 1 Improvement of organizational capacities and role of civil society;

The planned activities are:
Activity 1.1 Implementation of training on European integration processes for CSOs.
Activity 1.2 Implementation of three info sessions for CSOs and other stakeholders on European integration processes for chapters 11, 12, 13 and 27.
Activity 1.3 Organization of six one-day promotional and educational workshops on the role of civil society in the development of local communities and volunteerism for pupils of primary and secondary schools and students
Activity 1.4 Organization of workshops for the development of the strategic plan of the Association for the Development of the Ibar Valley

Work Package 2 Improving civil society and public sector cooperation in environmental protection, climate change and civil protection;

Planned activities:
Activity 2.1 Implementation of two national meetings of the SEKO Mechanism for Agriculture and Rural Development on the topic of sustainable development;
Activity 2.2 Implementation of the National Conventa Meeting for Chapters 11, 12, 13 and 27 on Sustainable Development and EU Integration Issues;
Activity 2.3 Realization of 3 regional roundtables on the development of organic production in the function of positive impacts on nature protection;
Activity 2.4 Preparation of the brochure “The Impact of Organic Production on Environmental Protection, Biodiversity, Preservation of Genetic Respirators, Climate Change and Land Quality”;
Activity 2.5 Organization of an international expert meeting – workshops “Sustainable development 2030”.

Work Package 3 Support to networking of CSOs and their operation;
Planned activities:
Activity 3.1 Organization of two workshops for defining a platform for networking CSOs for sustainable agriculture and rural development.
Activity 3.2 Defining a common strategy and defining the budget of the CSO network for sustainable agriculture, rural development with respect to the principles of gender equality in the preparation of the document.

Expected results:

Result 1: Improved capacities of civil society for active participation in the implementation of the principles of sustainable development, European integration processes in environmental protection and better management of their own resources, through training, promotional and educational activities.
Result 2: The civil sector has improved mechanisms and capacities for cooperation between the civil and public sectors and involving citizens in environmental protection activities, reducing climate change and developing civil protection at the local level.
Result 3: CSOs improved inter-networking, defined common principles for advocating public policies for nature protection, climate change and civil protection, and developed action plans for individual and joint action in the next 2 years.

Donor: Regional Environmental Center REC

Year of implementation: October 2016/October 2017

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Cities Kraljevo and Novi Pazar, Municipatilies Leposavic, Tutin i Zvecan

Long term result: Enhanced capacity and understanding of the local self-government and civil society on the Protocol on Water and Health and its implementation at the local level, and the public is better sensitized to environmental protection.

Short-term results:
Result 1: Representatives of civil society and the public sector in municipalities in the basin of the river Ibar initiated dialogue and cooperation on improving the environment and achieving the objectives of Serbia in providing healthy drinking water.
Result 2: The school youth, citizens and the public are improved information and knowledge about the importance of healthy drinking water and its conservation models and providing citizenship.

Donor: Ministry of Agriculture and Environment protection of the Republic of Serbia

Year of implementation: September 2015/November 2015

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: South-Western Serbia

Outcome 1: Improved capacity and planning framework at the local level for action CSO, local governments and other stakeholders to improve the agro-ecological activities and the inclusion of vulnerable groups of the population.
Outcome 2: Improved cooperation and dialogue at the national level between decision-makers and civil society in the creation of a legal framework and implementation of agro-environmental measures.
Output 1: Civil society organizations have the capacity for active participation in the implementation of the principles and measures of sustainable agriculture.
Output 2: Improved capacity of local authorities, civil society and stakeholders for the implementation of agro-environmental measures, sustainable agriculture and involvement small agricultural holdings and vulnerable groups in sustainable agriculture system.
Output 3: Created a framework for the implementation of agro-environmental measures in the national and IPARD measures through active dialogue of civil society and decision-makers at the national level.

Donor: Regional Environment Centre (REC)

Year of implementation: August 2014/July 2015

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia

Result 1: 350 secondary students educated for leadership in rural communities and certificated 23 contemporary trainers for leadership;
Result 2: Developed management capacities of secondary school students and activism parliaments of secondary school students, based on the EU networks experience;
Result 3: Adopted measures for supporting rural youth on the national and local level;
Result 4: Republic of Serbia is sensitized for understanding rural youth needs and the civil society role.

Donor: EU EIDHR Country Based Support Scheme (CBSS) 2013 for Serbia

Year of implementation: May 2014/October 2015

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Republic of Serbia, City of Kraljevo, Municipatilies Tutin, Novi Pazar and Leposavić

Short-term results:
Result 1: The established model for monitoring the quality of water in the reservoir “Gazivoda” as a basis for the protection of water and preventive action to reduce water pollution.
Result 2: The school youth, citizens and expert public are improved information and knowledge about water quality in the basin of the river Ibar, protection of water courses and nature.
Long term result:
Established a model for improving water quality and ensuring safe water supply in the basin of the river Ibar, through monitoring and responsible behavior of the population.

Donor: Ministry of Agriculture and Environment protection of Republic of Serbia

Year of implementation: October 2014/December 2014

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia, Municipalities Arilje and Ivanjica

Activities/results: The project supports local communities to become ENERGY INDEPENDENT and SELF SUSTAINABLE using: public AWARENESS rising, creation of ENERGY MANAGEMENT, preparation of LOCAL ENERGY RESOURCES and REDUCING CO2 EMISSIONS.

Donor: Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade

Year of implementation: June 2014/August 2015

Role of organization: Partner

Place of realization: South-Western Serbia

Activities/results: Specific objective: Improved capacities of CSO from Southwest Serbia for quality and transparent action and interaction with local authorities and public, with the aim of social inclusion of people with disabilities according to legislative framework in Serbia.

Result 1: Improved capacities of civil society organizations and stakeholders from South-West Serbia to carry out dialogue with local governments, provide relevant inputs into policy planning and implementation, communicate and perform outreach activities in social protection and social inclusion.
Result 2: 7 CSO from South-West Serbia developed social services  based on the rational usage of resources and legislative framework in Serbia.
Result 3: Improved cooperation of CSO and local self-governments  in social protection through intersectoral teams and adopted budget financing of social protection measures based on experiences of  EU and Serbia legislative framework on 4 municipalities of SW Serbia in 2015.
Result 4 : Local authorities and the population of SW Serbia are sensitized for better understanding social inclusion and the support to local CSOs in providing social services.

Donor: EU EIDHR Country Based Support Scheme (CBSS) 2013 for Serbia

Year of implementation: June 2014/August 2015

Role: Partner

Place of realization: Leposavic Municipality

Activities and results: The rural population in Leposavić municipality received expert assistance in connection with a modern and environmentally friendly approach to fruit production. As a result we have five acres of aronia, wild strawberries and apples in the Leposavic municipality were erected as the basis for the production and development of modern fruit and good practices for further transfer of knowledge and experience in this sector.
Fruit and vegetable processing opportunities have been created, through the development of product portfolios, a processing and refrigeration plant. The promotion, fruit production and recognition of the EU as a donor have been successfully promoted.

Donor: European Union

Year of realization: January 2013 / January 2015.

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: South-Western Serbia

Outcome 1: Improved capacities and strategic framework on a local level for the work of CSOs, local governments and other interested parties, regarding their work to improve energy efficiency in accordance with legal obligations, community needs and EU experiences.
Outcome 2: Improved cooperation and dialogue on local and regional level between CSO and governments in the area of energy efficiency.
Output 1: Civil society organizations have improved capacities for the implementation of principles and measure of sustainable development of energy sector.
Output 2: Local governments of South-Western Serbia have improved their potentials for the preparation and implementation of Local action plan of energy efficiency on a local level.
Output 3: Created framework for active participation of CSOs on local and regional level by signing a Pact between mayors and defining cooperation models.

Donor: Regional Environment Centre (REC)

Year of implementation: April 2013/February 2014

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Sebia, Municipalities Ivanjica, Arilje, Cajetina, Kraljevo i Bajina Basta

Result 1: Pupils and students improve knowledge about sustainable development, energy efficiency, renewable energy, using it and importance for environment protection.
Result 2: Civil society organizations improved their knowledge about the implementation of principles and measures of sustainable development in energy sector.
Result 3: Prepared analysis of heat losses of public buildings in 4 Municipalities of South-Western Serbia and prepared analysis of potentials for solar energy using in 5 Municipalities and towns in South-Western Serbia.
Result 4: Defined principles for cooperation of public sector and CSO in energy sector and environment protection.
Result 5: The public is informed about the importance of energy, eco-efficiency and renewable energy using for environmental protection.

Donor: Finland Embassy

Year of implementation: May 2011/April 2012

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Sebia, Nova Varos and Sjenica

The target groups were pupils of primary school, students of secondary schools and inhabitants from local community.
Project activities implemented in three main groups:
- activities to improve students’ knowledge,
- sensitizing the public on environmental protection and
- capacity building in SNR “Uvac” to provide educational services to interested parties.
The project was affected the social transformation in two ways: through direct (education of students) and indirect (educational materials) education by encouraging cooperation between civil society and public institutions (schools).
Main project results: approximately 320 primary and 255 secondary school students has improved knowledge about environment and biodiversity, improved technical equipment of SNR “Uvac” for educational activities and local communities in Nova Varos and Sjenica sensitive about environmental issues.

Donor: Holland Embassy

Year of implementation: September 2011/December 2011

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Municipalities Arilje, Rogatica and Eastern Old City Sarajevo

Result 1: Local stakeholders are familiar with LEADER approach and methodology of drafting of Local development strategies and its implementation
Result 2: Drafted 3 local development strategies and established 3 Local action groups (LAG)
Result 3: Local community has recognized the advantages of local planning, implementation of projects in a local community and EU approach to supporting balanced regional development

Donor: European Commission

Role of organization: Partner

Place of realization: Arilje, Indjija

Result 1: Improved institutional (organizational) capacities of the Municipality of Arilje for service delivery and integral waste management in compliance with the defined priorities and experience from the partner organizations.
Result 2: Improved citizen awareness in the Municipalities of Arilje and Indjija for responsible and rational handling of communal waste.
Result 3: Expanded volume and improved system of organized waste collection along with a reduced waste volume (through selection and recycling) on the territory of the Municipalities of Arilje and Indjija.
Result 4: Promoted action and support from the EU to Serbia in the accession process.

Donor: European Commission

Year of implementation: March 2011/June 2012

Role of organization: Partner

Place of realization: Arilje

Result 1: The Municipality of Arilje is aware of the good-practice examples in the field of management and providing services in the tourist sector and applies acquired knowledge and experience.
Result 2: Defined visual identity and improved tourist infrastructure in The Municipality of Arilje in pursuance with the partner experience and principles of sustainable exploitation of natural resources.
Result 3: Improved entrepreneur capacities (service providers) from The Municipality of Arilje in the rural tourism sector.
Result 4: Promoted Project and sustainable tourist offer of the Municipality of Arilje.

Donor: European Commission

Year of implementation: September 2010/December 2011

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia

Result 1: Civil society organizations trained for active participation in the process of urban planning and adoption of planning documents
Result 2: Ecological CSOs from Serbia educated for the implementation of the principles of sustainable development and application of the principle of energy efficiency in urban communities
Result 3: Prepared analysis of heat losses of public buildings in 3 municipalities of south-western Serbia
Result 4: Services of public sector improved their knowledge about the implementation of principles of sustainable development
Result 5: The public is informed about the importance of energy and eco-efficiency for environmental protection

Donor: Regional Environmental Center (REC)

Year of implementation: February 2010/January 2011

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia, Raška and Kraljevo

Activities/results: trained 20 women and youth for basket ware craft,
20 women trained in weaving craft, trained 20 young women and sewing traditional clothing, prepared a draft of the traditional costumes of the sub-Ibar,
prepared the choreography of folk games-Ibar, organized a cultural event, “The tradition of the sub-Ibar”, 3 souvenirs designed based on the tradition of sub-Ibar.

Donor: Open Society Fund

Year of implementation: October 2010/August 2011

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Western Serbia

Result 1: Improved the infrastructure for ecological education.
Result 2: Knowledge and regional cooperation of youth regarding ecology and environment preservation is improved.
Result 3: The local community made sensitive in regards to protection and improvement of biodiversity in BR ‘Golija-Studenica’ and Special Nature Reserve “Uvac”.

Donor: Finland Embassy

Year of implementation: May 2010/May 2011

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia

Result 1: National Rural Development Network (NRDN) has developed a service and management capacities according to the experience and good practice of the EU services and the needs of local communities.
Result 2: NRDN gained membership in international rural development networks PREPARE and FORUM SYNERGIES and established a dialogue with organizations from the EU.
Result 3: NRDN has developed the capacity to participate in the preparation and implementation of rural development policy (national and EU).
Result 4: NRDN has increased visibility on the national and international level.

Donor: European Commission

Year of implementation: June 2010/July 2011

Role of  organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Western Serbia

Activities/results: Supporting local initiatives, Supporting preparation of local strategic documents, Identification of needs of local community, Education of local action groups, Promotion of measures of central and local authorities
Horizontal and vertical linking

Donor: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic Serbia

Year of implementation: December 2007/May 2011

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Western Balkan

Activities/results: Expert support for defining a mission and a project that will support integrated rural development and cross-border co-operation between the countries of the Western Balkans.

Donor: UN FAO

Year of implementation: December 2006/2008.

Role of organization: Partner organization

Place of realization: Serbia

Activities/results: Organization and realization 10 two days trainings about PCM and IPA funds

Donor: DAI

Year of implementation: September 2009/June 2010

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: City of Kraljevo

Activities/results: Education in 5 primary schools about biodiversity and protection, Education about waste treatment and composting in 5 primary schools, Practical training about composting, Supporting networking of schools in ecological

Donor: Regional Environment Center REC

Year of implementation: February 2009 - January 2010.

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia, Zlatibor District

Activities/results: Rural Development Plan for Zlatibor District, Action plan for implementation of Rural Development Plan for Zlatibor District, Preparation 5 projects in EU format

Donor: UNDP

Year of implementation: June 2009/November 2009

Role: Project carer

Place of realization: Golija, Studenica

Activities and results: Within the framework of the project, a model of training   through nature was adopted by the local population, 20 local residents passed a seven-day training for guides through nature and issued manuals for guides. Significant localities and hiking trails in the area of the Golija-Studenica Biosphere Reserve are well marked. Promoting this area and its potential has been promoted.

Donor: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia

Year of realization: 2008/2009.

Role of  organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Nature Park “Golija“

Activities/results: Supporting vulnerable groups in rural areas, Center for development and promotion „Rudno” was established, Natural park “Golija” and touristic potential were promoted, Touristic potential of area increased with new path ways, equipment… Inter-municipality agreement about informing and cooperation was supported, 9 training modules were developed and organized for local inhabitants


Year of implementation: 2007/2008.

Role: Project carer

Place of realization: Republic of Serbia

Activities and results: The project promoted the concept of protection of agricultural products as geographical indications, as well as support to local initiatives for the protection of agricultural products as geographical indications. As a result of these activities, a register of agricultural products that are potential for protection has been established.

Donor: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia

Year of realization: 2006/2007.

Role: Project holder

Place of realization: Republic of Serbia

Activities and results: The project promoted the concept of protection of agricultural products as geographical indications, as well as support to local initiatives for the protection of agricultural products as geographical indications. As a result of these activities, a register of agricultural products that are potential for protection has been established.

Donor: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia

Year of realization: 2006/2007.

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia

Activities/results: Assessment of farmers organizations in 26 municipalities. Data base about farmers organizations in Serbia. Published brochure “Farmers organizations in Serbia” is published.

Donor: Ministry of Agriculture, Forest and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia

Year of implementation: 2005/2006.

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Golija, Studenica

Activities/results: 12 seminars about sustainable development, sustainable agriculture and sustainable tourism are organized. Regional seminar and workshop is organized. Published brochure “Possibility for sustainable development of agriculture and tourism in Nature Park “Golija” and Biosphere Reservation “Golija-Studenica”.

Donor: World Bank and Regional Environment Center (REC)

Year of implementation: 2004/2005.

Role of organization: Partner organization

Place of realization: Central Serbia, Sandžak

Activities/results: 100 ha new apple orchards and 36ha raspberry orchards, supporting new farmer organizations, supporting education process for 320 beneficiaries and 100 farmers

Donor: UN FAO

Year of implementation: 2002/2003.

Role of organization: Partner organization

Place of realization: Serbia (Raška, Moravica, Zlatibor and Rasina district)

Activities/results: Assessment in 19 municipalities in Serbia and collection of data about accessibility of food.

Donor: UN FAO

Year of implementation: 2002.

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Project implemetnting:

1.    Asocijacija za razvoj Ibarskih inicijativa „IDA“ iz Kraljeva
2.    JEP „Toplana“ iz Kraljeva
3.    JKP „Grijanje“ iz Pljevalja
4.    Centar ekoloških inicijativa iz Berana

Implementation period: 8.6.2019-7.10.2020.godine

Locations of the action: Serbia and Montenegro

Cities and municipalities: Kraljevo, Novi Pazar, Priboj, Nova Varoš, Vrnjačka Banja, Raška, Pljevlja, Berana, Bijelo Polje, Kolašin, Mojkovac.

About project

The project "Reducing the impact of local communities in the cross-border region of Serbia-Montenegro to ClimAte chaNges - WE CAN", with its activities, results and specific goal, significantly contributes to achieving the specific objective of the program: Better awareness - Improved awareness of the inhabitants and industry on the importance of environment and nature protection.

The action contributes to program objectives through improving the state of the environment in local communities and improving the awareness of local stakeholders by improving the technical capacities of public companies operating in the heat supply sector, school facilities, as well as improving human capacities for reducing the negative impact of local communities on climate changes, as well as the creation of regional platforms for joint action, as well as youth education through a common curriculum program.

The action will contribute to improved awareness of the inhabitants and industry on the importance of environment and nature protection through programme outputs indicators achievement:
(i) Cross-border management plans agreed; The action will support cross-border dialogue and dialogue at the national level on regional cross-border priorities in reducing greenhouse gases emissions through energy efficiency and renewable energy sources utilization. At the end of the action, cross-border actors will have a harmonized plan that will define further courses of action and improvement of the state of the environment and the impact of local communities.
 (ii) Implementation awareness campaigns on environment issues; In order to improve the state of the environment and reduce the negative impact of local communities on the environment, within the action a series of campaigns will be organized for improving awareness through informing school youth about climate changes and renewable energy sources, informing the public about climate changes and a possible contribution of each individual and local community, through the establishment and presentation of practical measures for mitigating the impact of local communities on climate changes and the use of renewable energy sources (pellet, solar energy), the promotion of the achievements of the project which reduced the greenhouse gases emissions by approximately 104t / year, the education of children in newly established Green cabinets in 4 primary schools.
 (iii) Participants of capacity building activities in relation to management nature resources; The project will primarily focus its capacity building activities on school youth and employees in public energy companies "Toplana" Kraljevo and "Grijanje" Pljevlja and on schools, as well as on the same target groups from public companies that deal with the delivery of heat energy, which operate in other municipalities in the cross-border area. It should be particularly emphasized that 4 Green cabinets will be established in order to improve the capacities of the youth in the field of the environment, thus creating the possibility for the long-term impact of the project on capacity building. 
(iv) NGOs participating in capacity building and networking activities; Since NGOs are one of the key stakeholders in environmental protection, and as two NGOs are members of the project consortium, considerable attention is paid to building their capacities, as well as to networking with stakeholders from other sectors. First of all, when it comes to capacity building, NGOs will be supported through inclusion in the activities that contribute to it (workshops, conferences, consultations, developed joint environmental education curriculum program about renewable energy use, climate changes and environment, education of young people from primary and secondary schools ...). Networking will be supported through regional initiatives for developing environmental education curriculum, as well as the process of defining regional cross-border priorities in reducing greenhouse gases emissions will be supported through energy efficiency and renewable energy sources utilization. 
(v) Publicity events organized for the action’s promotion; One of the most important elements of the project is focused on the promotion of the project and the topic the project deals with. During the project, 9 promotional events will be realized, which will have a wide range of target groups, starting with primary and secondary school students, employees in public companies involved in the production and supply of heat energy, teaching staff, CSOs and the general public in local communities.

Overall objective:

To contribute to the protection of natural resources through pollution reduction, sustainable renewable energy usage and greenhouse gases emission reduction.
Specific objective: The local communities in the project area have built up technical capacities and have improved knowledge efficiently using local renewable sources and increasing energy efficiency as measures for reducing climate changes.

Expected results:

Result 1. Introduced innovative solutions concerning remote heating systems at the local level, with the goal of reducing climate change.
Result 2. Developed a model for establishing a system of paying for heat energy according to energy consumption, as a basis for more economical energy spending.
Result 3 Defined regional cross-border priorities in reducing greenhouse gases emission, through energy efficiency and renewable energy sources utilization.
Result 4. Realized 4 prototype projects in the field of using renewable energy sources in educational institutions.
Result 5. Established regional educational programme for pupils and students about climate changes.   
Result 6. Key actors of local self-governments in the cross-border area, as well as the general public, have received new knowledge on renewable energy sources and climate change.

Planed activities:

Working package 1. Introducing new and innovative technological solutions in remote heating systems at a local level. (Related to R1, R2, R3)
A1.1 Installation and introduction of solar system for electricity producing in PEC “Toplana” Kraljevo
A1.2 Improvement technical and human capacities of PE “Grijanje” Pljevlja for quick malfunction locating and immediate intervention in heating energy distribution
A1.3 Development a model for establishing a heat energy payment system according to consumption
A1.4 Organisation two day workshop "Energy efficiency and using solar energy for reduction negative impact on the climate changes"
WP2 Realization of a “pilot projects” in the field of RE, and creating prerequisites for beter student education in this area. (Related to R4&R5)
A2.1 Installation renewable heating energy systems in two schools in the project area
A2.2 Installation a small photovoltaic system for solar electric energy producing in 4 schools in the project area
A2.3 Establishing four “Green school cabinet” for renewable energy using
A2.4 Development environmental education curriculum programme about renewable energy using, climate changes and environment
WP3 Raising the level of knowledge of key actors in the border area on renewable energy and climate change. (Related to R6)
A3.1 Preparation, printing and distribution publications about renewable energy using, role of local communities in climate changes and project promotion.
A3.2 Promotion good practice.
A3.3 Organisation closing conference "The way to better energy efficiency and greater use of renewable energy sources.
A3.4 Preparation, recording and distribution of short prom movie about renewable energy using, role of local communities in climate changes and project promotion.

More about Cross-border programme Serbia-Montenegro

This presentation has been prepared with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this web presentation are the sole responsibility of Ibar Development Association “IDA”, and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

Role of organization: Partner


Overall objective 1: Strengthened incentives for SME development and reduction of unemployment through the exchange of experience, enhancing knowledge, increasing competitiveness and health safety in the beekeeping production in the border areas of Serbia and  Montenegro.

Overall objective 2: Provided contribution in connecting people, communities and exchanges of ideas in the Serbia and Montenegro border area.

Specific objective: Enhanced productivity and competitiveness of the rural areas in the beekeeping sector through the transfer of knowledge and examples of good practice and mutual partner activities in compliance with the principles of environmental protection and food health safety.

Results and activities

Result 1: Enhanced conditions for the development of beekeeping and the production of healthy food in the border area.

Activities contributing to achieving result 1:
A1.1 Consulting-advisory support
A1.2. Preparation and publications relating to beekeeping
A1.3. Public advocacy for increasing support to beekeeping by the local authorities
A1.4. Analysis of honey samples and the procurement of necessary medication
A1.5. Education of fruit growers and a campaign for safe fruit spraying

Result 2: Enhanced beekeeper cooperation in the border areas through the transfer of knowledge and experience and learning the examples of good practice.

Activities contributing to achieving result 2:
A2.1. Organization of a beekeeping excursion for beekeepers from MNE to SER
A2.2. Organization of a mentor visit of beekeepers from SER to beekeepers in MNE
A2.3. Enhancing beekeeping access to information
A2.4. Development and implementation of good beekeeping practice standards

Result 3: Enhanced productivity and competitiveness of the beekeepers and created conditions for monitoring the production of healthy food.

Activities contributing to achieving result 3:
A3.1. Realization of a public selection of at least 60 beekeepers
A3.2. Procurement of equipment for enhancing productivity and competitiveness
A3.3. Selection of future mentors
A3.4. Establishment of internal procedures for respecting the “hygienic packages”

Result 4: Provided support to marginalized groups (youth, women, isolated rural population and ethnic minorities) in initiating their own exonomic activities for the purpose of increasing the social involvement and reduction of unemployment;

Activities contributing to achieving result 4:
A4.1. Realization of a public selection and choosing 80 beneficiaries;
A4.2. Procurement of beehives and swarms and delivery to selected beneficiaries
A4.3. Conducting mentoring for new beekeepers

Result 5: Efficiently promoted project, beekeeping and EU support.

Activities contributing to achieving result 5:
A5.1. Promo conferences and media promotion
A5.2. Preparation and distribution of promo-materials relating to the action
A5.3. Organization of four beekeeping exhibitions


Target groups
Existing beekeepers in Serbia-Montenegro cross border area,
Marginalized groups in Serbia-Montenegro cross border area,
Local beekeeping associations in Arilje, Pljevlja, Berane and Bijelo Polje municipalities

Final beneficiaries

Beekeepers in the border areas of Serbia and Montenegro.
The municipal managements of Arilje, Pljevlja, Bijelo Polje and Berane
Fruit producers in the border area
Unions of beekeepers associations of Serbia and Montenegro.
Customers of the honey from Serbia-Montenegro border area.

Link of the project:


Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok

Activities/results: Prepared 3 LED strategies with action plans

Donor: UNDP

Year of implementation: September 2013/May 2014

Role of organization: Partner

Place of realization: Republic of Serbia

Problem with which the project deals with: The project is directly focused on the lack of public support measures for organic agriculture in central and western Serbia. It directly involves all key actors: decision-makers on public policies, farmers and consumers.

Project goals:

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the development of sustainable agriculture through the strengthening of NGOs and the capacity of other key actors in Zlatibor, Raska and Podunavlje district, and to advocate the promotion of public policy at the local and national levels.

The specific objective is to promote and support the development of organic agriculture in Serbia through advocacy for the introduction and consistent application of public policy research, support for measures and subsidies in Zlatibor, Raška and Podunavlje district, affecting decision-makers, farmers and consumers.

Planned activities:

Activity 1: Scientific research on cost-effectiveness and analysis of competitiveness of organic agricultural production in Central and Western Serbia.

Activity 2: Supporting advocacy meetings of local actors on the benefits of conversion into organic and sustainable agriculture, as well as the needs of public administration support to the measures of sustainable agriculture in central and western Serbia.

Activity 3: Organic agriculture training for local farmers from central and western Serbia.

Activity 4: Final national event within the National Convent for monitoring Chapter 11-Agriculture and rural development.

Expected results:

Evidence prepared, in the form of scientific research, on the benefits of conversion to organic agriculture, which can be used as arguments for advocating conversion to organic production.

Increasing the interest of participants in Central and Western Serbia about the benefits of conversion to organic and sustainable agriculture, and the need for measures to support sustainable agriculture from public administration, using arguments based on research, knowledge and experiences of professional farmers.

Improved knowledge of local farmers on sustainable agriculture, methods of organic production, networking of farmers and organic food market.

The principles of sustainable agriculture and organic production are set to a higher level in the National Convent agenda, within the Working Group for monitoring Chapter 11 (RG7) agriculture and rural development, and among related local and national actors.

Donor: ORCA

Year of implementation: April 2017/October 2017

Role: Project carrier

Place of realization: Nature Park “Golija”, Republic of Serbia

Problem with which the project deals with: The project is directly focused on solving the lack of clear control mechanisms for the development of the Nature Park “Golija”, as well as the lack of a common planning document that outlines the aspirations of all 5 municipalities and cities on whose territory the protected area is located. Through its methodological approach to the goal, the project directly involves all key actors in the process of action planning and defining management models.

Project goals:
Creating mechanisms for managing the territory and sustainable development of tourism through proposing a management model and defining measures of development and action for the development of the Nature Park Golija.

Under the supervision of the Director of the European PROGRES program, and direct supervision of the director of Golija project, the consulting firm will conduct a basic assessment, a brief analysis of the indicative topics for the action plan, the development of a study on a possible model / management of the territory and the management of the tourist destination and prepare an action plan for the development of the Nature Park Golija.

Planned activities:
1. Identification and download of strategic and planning documents, of importance for the development and management of the Golija Nature Park;
2. Analysis of the relevance of the downloaded documents for the development of the Golija Nature Park;
3. Meeting with authorized representatives of 5 local self-governments (JLS) from Golija Nature Park, relevant representatives of national authorities and other relevant actors, for information and preliminary data collection purposes;
4. Defining the study trip program;
5. Defining the draft list of relevant actors for development planning and defining the management model for the Golija Nature Park;
6. Defining the communication plan for the implementation of the contract.

Donor: UNOPS

Year of implementation: April 2017 / October 2017

Role of organization: Project carrier

Place of realization: Republic of Serbia

The problem with which the project deals with: The Grant will be used to support the civil sector in creating preconditions for active participation in the creation and implementation of policies in the field of nature protection, climate change and civil protection, as well as for the promotion of CSOs’ activism in the process of European integration and the adoption of policies EU in these areas. Special attention will be paid to networking of CSOs, as well as further development of already existing mechanisms (SEKO mechanism) for civil sector involvement in donor fund planning, as well as dialogue with decision makers.

In addition, one segment of the institutional grant will be directed towards the implementation of activities that will support organizational development and ensuring a higher level of sustainability of CSOs.

When it comes to nature protection, the main focus will be on the sustainable development of agriculture, the sustainable development of protected areas, and the sustainable development of forestry. Within the theme Climate change, the greatest attention will be paid to the energy sector, both from the aspect of policy making and by improving the dialogue with local governments on the development of energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources. The Civil Protection Sector will be covered in the first year by improving the capacities of CSOs and local communities to integrate into the civil protection system itself.

During implementation, special attention will be paid to gender equality, as well as to other marginalized categories, such as young and rural communities.

Project goals:

To contribute to the participatory creation of public policies in environmental protection, the adoption of the legal framework of the European Union and its implementation, based on the principles of sustainable development, stakeholder consensus and active participation of civil society and local communities.

The contribution of the grant is reflected in improving the capacity of the civil sector to participate in policy making, improving the sustainability of CSOs and defining the strategic framework for their functioning, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, through the support of dialogue between the public and civil sector, further improve the mechanisms of cooperation and influence of civil society creating public policies and adopting EU policy in the environmental sector.

Planned activities:

Work Package 1 Improvement of organizational capacities and role of civil society;

The planned activities are:
Activity 1.1 Implementation of training on European integration processes for CSOs.
Activity 1.2 Implementation of three info sessions for CSOs and other stakeholders on European integration processes for chapters 11, 12, 13 and 27.
Activity 1.3 Organization of six one-day promotional and educational workshops on the role of civil society in the development of local communities and volunteerism for pupils of primary and secondary schools and students
Activity 1.4 Organization of workshops for the development of the strategic plan of the Association for the Development of the Ibar Valley

Work Package 2 Improving civil society and public sector cooperation in environmental protection, climate change and civil protection;

Planned activities:
Activity 2.1 Implementation of two national meetings of the SEKO Mechanism for Agriculture and Rural Development on the topic of sustainable development;
Activity 2.2 Implementation of the National Conventa Meeting for Chapters 11, 12, 13 and 27 on Sustainable Development and EU Integration Issues;
Activity 2.3 Realization of 3 regional roundtables on the development of organic production in the function of positive impacts on nature protection;
Activity 2.4 Preparation of the brochure “The Impact of Organic Production on Environmental Protection, Biodiversity, Preservation of Genetic Respirators, Climate Change and Land Quality”;
Activity 2.5 Organization of an international expert meeting – workshops “Sustainable development 2030”.

Work Package 3 Support to networking of CSOs and their operation;
Planned activities:
Activity 3.1 Organization of two workshops for defining a platform for networking CSOs for sustainable agriculture and rural development.
Activity 3.2 Defining a common strategy and defining the budget of the CSO network for sustainable agriculture, rural development with respect to the principles of gender equality in the preparation of the document.

Expected results:

Result 1: Improved capacities of civil society for active participation in the implementation of the principles of sustainable development, European integration processes in environmental protection and better management of their own resources, through training, promotional and educational activities.
Result 2: The civil sector has improved mechanisms and capacities for cooperation between the civil and public sectors and involving citizens in environmental protection activities, reducing climate change and developing civil protection at the local level.
Result 3: CSOs improved inter-networking, defined common principles for advocating public policies for nature protection, climate change and civil protection, and developed action plans for individual and joint action in the next 2 years.

Donor: Regional Environmental Center REC

Year of implementation: October 2016/October 2017

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Cities Kraljevo and Novi Pazar, Municipatilies Leposavic, Tutin i Zvecan

Long term result: Enhanced capacity and understanding of the local self-government and civil society on the Protocol on Water and Health and its implementation at the local level, and the public is better sensitized to environmental protection.

Short-term results:
Result 1: Representatives of civil society and the public sector in municipalities in the basin of the river Ibar initiated dialogue and cooperation on improving the environment and achieving the objectives of Serbia in providing healthy drinking water.
Result 2: The school youth, citizens and the public are improved information and knowledge about the importance of healthy drinking water and its conservation models and providing citizenship.

Donor: Ministry of Agriculture and Environment protection of the Republic of Serbia

Year of implementation: September 2015/November 2015

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: South-Western Serbia

Outcome 1: Improved capacity and planning framework at the local level for action CSO, local governments and other stakeholders to improve the agro-ecological activities and the inclusion of vulnerable groups of the population.
Outcome 2: Improved cooperation and dialogue at the national level between decision-makers and civil society in the creation of a legal framework and implementation of agro-environmental measures.
Output 1: Civil society organizations have the capacity for active participation in the implementation of the principles and measures of sustainable agriculture.
Output 2: Improved capacity of local authorities, civil society and stakeholders for the implementation of agro-environmental measures, sustainable agriculture and involvement small agricultural holdings and vulnerable groups in sustainable agriculture system.
Output 3: Created a framework for the implementation of agro-environmental measures in the national and IPARD measures through active dialogue of civil society and decision-makers at the national level.

Donor: Regional Environment Centre (REC)

Year of implementation: August 2014/July 2015

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia

Result 1: 350 secondary students educated for leadership in rural communities and certificated 23 contemporary trainers for leadership;
Result 2: Developed management capacities of secondary school students and activism parliaments of secondary school students, based on the EU networks experience;
Result 3: Adopted measures for supporting rural youth on the national and local level;
Result 4: Republic of Serbia is sensitized for understanding rural youth needs and the civil society role.

Donor: EU EIDHR Country Based Support Scheme (CBSS) 2013 for Serbia

Year of implementation: May 2014/October 2015

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Republic of Serbia, City of Kraljevo, Municipatilies Tutin, Novi Pazar and Leposavić

Short-term results:
Result 1: The established model for monitoring the quality of water in the reservoir “Gazivoda” as a basis for the protection of water and preventive action to reduce water pollution.
Result 2: The school youth, citizens and expert public are improved information and knowledge about water quality in the basin of the river Ibar, protection of water courses and nature.
Long term result:
Established a model for improving water quality and ensuring safe water supply in the basin of the river Ibar, through monitoring and responsible behavior of the population.

Donor: Ministry of Agriculture and Environment protection of Republic of Serbia

Year of implementation: October 2014/December 2014

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia, Municipalities Arilje and Ivanjica

Activities/results: The project supports local communities to become ENERGY INDEPENDENT and SELF SUSTAINABLE using: public AWARENESS rising, creation of ENERGY MANAGEMENT, preparation of LOCAL ENERGY RESOURCES and REDUCING CO2 EMISSIONS.

Donor: Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade

Year of implementation: June 2014/August 2015

Role of organization: Partner

Place of realization: South-Western Serbia

Activities/results: Specific objective: Improved capacities of CSO from Southwest Serbia for quality and transparent action and interaction with local authorities and public, with the aim of social inclusion of people with disabilities according to legislative framework in Serbia.

Result 1: Improved capacities of civil society organizations and stakeholders from South-West Serbia to carry out dialogue with local governments, provide relevant inputs into policy planning and implementation, communicate and perform outreach activities in social protection and social inclusion.
Result 2: 7 CSO from South-West Serbia developed social services  based on the rational usage of resources and legislative framework in Serbia.
Result 3: Improved cooperation of CSO and local self-governments  in social protection through intersectoral teams and adopted budget financing of social protection measures based on experiences of  EU and Serbia legislative framework on 4 municipalities of SW Serbia in 2015.
Result 4 : Local authorities and the population of SW Serbia are sensitized for better understanding social inclusion and the support to local CSOs in providing social services.

Donor: EU EIDHR Country Based Support Scheme (CBSS) 2013 for Serbia

Year of implementation: June 2014/August 2015

Role: Partner

Place of realization: Leposavic Municipality

Activities and results: The rural population in Leposavić municipality received expert assistance in connection with a modern and environmentally friendly approach to fruit production. As a result we have five acres of aronia, wild strawberries and apples in the Leposavic municipality were erected as the basis for the production and development of modern fruit and good practices for further transfer of knowledge and experience in this sector.
Fruit and vegetable processing opportunities have been created, through the development of product portfolios, a processing and refrigeration plant. The promotion, fruit production and recognition of the EU as a donor have been successfully promoted.

Donor: European Union

Year of realization: January 2013 / January 2015.

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: South-Western Serbia

Outcome 1: Improved capacities and strategic framework on a local level for the work of CSOs, local governments and other interested parties, regarding their work to improve energy efficiency in accordance with legal obligations, community needs and EU experiences.
Outcome 2: Improved cooperation and dialogue on local and regional level between CSO and governments in the area of energy efficiency.
Output 1: Civil society organizations have improved capacities for the implementation of principles and measure of sustainable development of energy sector.
Output 2: Local governments of South-Western Serbia have improved their potentials for the preparation and implementation of Local action plan of energy efficiency on a local level.
Output 3: Created framework for active participation of CSOs on local and regional level by signing a Pact between mayors and defining cooperation models.

Donor: Regional Environment Centre (REC)

Year of implementation: April 2013/February 2014

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Sebia, Municipalities Ivanjica, Arilje, Cajetina, Kraljevo i Bajina Basta

Result 1: Pupils and students improve knowledge about sustainable development, energy efficiency, renewable energy, using it and importance for environment protection.
Result 2: Civil society organizations improved their knowledge about the implementation of principles and measures of sustainable development in energy sector.
Result 3: Prepared analysis of heat losses of public buildings in 4 Municipalities of South-Western Serbia and prepared analysis of potentials for solar energy using in 5 Municipalities and towns in South-Western Serbia.
Result 4: Defined principles for cooperation of public sector and CSO in energy sector and environment protection.
Result 5: The public is informed about the importance of energy, eco-efficiency and renewable energy using for environmental protection.

Donor: Finland Embassy

Year of implementation: May 2011/April 2012

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Sebia, Nova Varos and Sjenica

The target groups were pupils of primary school, students of secondary schools and inhabitants from local community.
Project activities implemented in three main groups:
- activities to improve students’ knowledge,
- sensitizing the public on environmental protection and
- capacity building in SNR “Uvac” to provide educational services to interested parties.
The project was affected the social transformation in two ways: through direct (education of students) and indirect (educational materials) education by encouraging cooperation between civil society and public institutions (schools).
Main project results: approximately 320 primary and 255 secondary school students has improved knowledge about environment and biodiversity, improved technical equipment of SNR “Uvac” for educational activities and local communities in Nova Varos and Sjenica sensitive about environmental issues.

Donor: Holland Embassy

Year of implementation: September 2011/December 2011

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Municipalities Arilje, Rogatica and Eastern Old City Sarajevo

Result 1: Local stakeholders are familiar with LEADER approach and methodology of drafting of Local development strategies and its implementation
Result 2: Drafted 3 local development strategies and established 3 Local action groups (LAG)
Result 3: Local community has recognized the advantages of local planning, implementation of projects in a local community and EU approach to supporting balanced regional development

Donor: European Commission

Role of organization: Partner

Place of realization: Arilje, Indjija

Result 1: Improved institutional (organizational) capacities of the Municipality of Arilje for service delivery and integral waste management in compliance with the defined priorities and experience from the partner organizations.
Result 2: Improved citizen awareness in the Municipalities of Arilje and Indjija for responsible and rational handling of communal waste.
Result 3: Expanded volume and improved system of organized waste collection along with a reduced waste volume (through selection and recycling) on the territory of the Municipalities of Arilje and Indjija.
Result 4: Promoted action and support from the EU to Serbia in the accession process.

Donor: European Commission

Year of implementation: March 2011/June 2012

Role of organization: Partner

Place of realization: Arilje

Result 1: The Municipality of Arilje is aware of the good-practice examples in the field of management and providing services in the tourist sector and applies acquired knowledge and experience.
Result 2: Defined visual identity and improved tourist infrastructure in The Municipality of Arilje in pursuance with the partner experience and principles of sustainable exploitation of natural resources.
Result 3: Improved entrepreneur capacities (service providers) from The Municipality of Arilje in the rural tourism sector.
Result 4: Promoted Project and sustainable tourist offer of the Municipality of Arilje.

Donor: European Commission

Year of implementation: September 2010/December 2011

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia

Result 1: Civil society organizations trained for active participation in the process of urban planning and adoption of planning documents
Result 2: Ecological CSOs from Serbia educated for the implementation of the principles of sustainable development and application of the principle of energy efficiency in urban communities
Result 3: Prepared analysis of heat losses of public buildings in 3 municipalities of south-western Serbia
Result 4: Services of public sector improved their knowledge about the implementation of principles of sustainable development
Result 5: The public is informed about the importance of energy and eco-efficiency for environmental protection

Donor: Regional Environmental Center (REC)

Year of implementation: February 2010/January 2011

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia, Raška and Kraljevo

Activities/results: trained 20 women and youth for basket ware craft,
20 women trained in weaving craft, trained 20 young women and sewing traditional clothing, prepared a draft of the traditional costumes of the sub-Ibar,
prepared the choreography of folk games-Ibar, organized a cultural event, “The tradition of the sub-Ibar”, 3 souvenirs designed based on the tradition of sub-Ibar.

Donor: Open Society Fund

Year of implementation: October 2010/August 2011

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Western Serbia

Result 1: Improved the infrastructure for ecological education.
Result 2: Knowledge and regional cooperation of youth regarding ecology and environment preservation is improved.
Result 3: The local community made sensitive in regards to protection and improvement of biodiversity in BR ‘Golija-Studenica’ and Special Nature Reserve “Uvac”.

Donor: Finland Embassy

Year of implementation: May 2010/May 2011

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia

Result 1: National Rural Development Network (NRDN) has developed a service and management capacities according to the experience and good practice of the EU services and the needs of local communities.
Result 2: NRDN gained membership in international rural development networks PREPARE and FORUM SYNERGIES and established a dialogue with organizations from the EU.
Result 3: NRDN has developed the capacity to participate in the preparation and implementation of rural development policy (national and EU).
Result 4: NRDN has increased visibility on the national and international level.

Donor: European Commission

Year of implementation: June 2010/July 2011

Role of  organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Western Serbia

Activities/results: Supporting local initiatives, Supporting preparation of local strategic documents, Identification of needs of local community, Education of local action groups, Promotion of measures of central and local authorities
Horizontal and vertical linking

Donor: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic Serbia

Year of implementation: December 2007/May 2011

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Western Balkan

Activities/results: Expert support for defining a mission and a project that will support integrated rural development and cross-border co-operation between the countries of the Western Balkans.

Donor: UN FAO

Year of implementation: December 2006/2008.

Role of organization: Partner organization

Place of realization: Serbia

Activities/results: Organization and realization 10 two days trainings about PCM and IPA funds

Donor: DAI

Year of implementation: September 2009/June 2010

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: City of Kraljevo

Activities/results: Education in 5 primary schools about biodiversity and protection, Education about waste treatment and composting in 5 primary schools, Practical training about composting, Supporting networking of schools in ecological

Donor: Regional Environment Center REC

Year of implementation: February 2009 - January 2010.

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia, Zlatibor District

Activities/results: Rural Development Plan for Zlatibor District, Action plan for implementation of Rural Development Plan for Zlatibor District, Preparation 5 projects in EU format

Donor: UNDP

Year of implementation: June 2009/November 2009

Role: Project carer

Place of realization: Golija, Studenica

Activities and results: Within the framework of the project, a model of training   through nature was adopted by the local population, 20 local residents passed a seven-day training for guides through nature and issued manuals for guides. Significant localities and hiking trails in the area of the Golija-Studenica Biosphere Reserve are well marked. Promoting this area and its potential has been promoted.

Donor: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia

Year of realization: 2008/2009.

Role of  organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Nature Park “Golija“

Activities/results: Supporting vulnerable groups in rural areas, Center for development and promotion „Rudno” was established, Natural park “Golija” and touristic potential were promoted, Touristic potential of area increased with new path ways, equipment… Inter-municipality agreement about informing and cooperation was supported, 9 training modules were developed and organized for local inhabitants


Year of implementation: 2007/2008.

Role: Project carer

Place of realization: Republic of Serbia

Activities and results: The project promoted the concept of protection of agricultural products as geographical indications, as well as support to local initiatives for the protection of agricultural products as geographical indications. As a result of these activities, a register of agricultural products that are potential for protection has been established.

Donor: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia

Year of realization: 2006/2007.

Role: Project holder

Place of realization: Republic of Serbia

Activities and results: The project promoted the concept of protection of agricultural products as geographical indications, as well as support to local initiatives for the protection of agricultural products as geographical indications. As a result of these activities, a register of agricultural products that are potential for protection has been established.

Donor: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia

Year of realization: 2006/2007.

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Serbia

Activities/results: Assessment of farmers organizations in 26 municipalities. Data base about farmers organizations in Serbia. Published brochure “Farmers organizations in Serbia” is published.

Donor: Ministry of Agriculture, Forest and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia

Year of implementation: 2005/2006.

Role of organization: Lead partner

Place of realization: Golija, Studenica

Activities/results: 12 seminars about sustainable development, sustainable agriculture and sustainable tourism are organized. Regional seminar and workshop is organized. Published brochure “Possibility for sustainable development of agriculture and tourism in Nature Park “Golija” and Biosphere Reservation “Golija-Studenica”.

Donor: World Bank and Regional Environment Center (REC)

Year of implementation: 2004/2005.

Role of organization: Partner organization

Place of realization: Central Serbia, Sandžak

Activities/results: 100 ha new apple orchards and 36ha raspberry orchards, supporting new farmer organizations, supporting education process for 320 beneficiaries and 100 farmers

Donor: UN FAO

Year of implementation: 2002/2003.

Role of organization: Partner organization

Place of realization: Serbia (Raška, Moravica, Zlatibor and Rasina district)

Activities/results: Assessment in 19 municipalities in Serbia and collection of data about accessibility of food.

Donor: UN FAO

Year of implementation: 2002.


Schools in Pljevlja and Berane are equipped with solar systems for electricity production

Within the project "Reducing impact of local communities of the cross-border region of Serbia-Montenegro to climate challenges - WE CAN" in order to improve young people's knowledge about the possibilities of using solar energy for electricity production, small solar systems for electricity production were awarded. The project is funded by the European Union within the Cross-border cooperation programme Serbia-Montenegro.

A two-day workshop "Energy efficiency and using solar energy for reduction negative impact on the climate changes"

Within the project " Reducing impact of local communities of the cross-border region of Serbia-Montenegro to climate challenges - WE CAN " in order to improve regional cooperation and coordinated action to reduce the negative impact on climate change, a two-day workshop "Energy efficiency and use of solar energy to reduce negative climate change impacts ".

Primary schools in Kraljevo and Raska are supported in equipping green cabinets

Within the project "Reducing impact of local communities of the cross-border region of Serbia-Montenegro to climate challenges - WE CAN" in order to improve young people's knowledge about the possibilities of reducing the negative impact on climate change by using renewable sources and increasing energy efficiency, donated equipment for green cabinets.

Elementary school in Mataruga equipped for heating with renewable energy

About 70 students from grades 1-4 attend classes in the school building of the elementary school "Đura Jakšić" in Mataruga. Until 2019, heating oil was used as an energy source for heating the building. With the cooperation of the elementary school "Đura Jakšić" and project partners on the project "Reducing impact of local communities of the cross-border region of Serbia-Montenegro to climate challenges - WE CAN", a new boiler of 100kW was installed which uses pellets as an energy source.

Schools in Kraljevo and Raska are equipped with solar systems for electricity production

Within the project "Reducing impact of local communities of the cross-border region of Serbia-Montenegro to climate challenges - WE CAN" in order to improve young people's knowledge about the possibilities of using solar energy for electricity production, small solar systems for electricity production were awarded.

Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas

Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA) is a project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

SIMRA seeks to advance understanding of social innovation and innovative governance in agriculture, forestry and rural development, and how to boost them, particularly in marginalised rural areas across Europe, with a focus on the Mediterranean region (including non-EU) where there is limited evidence of outcomes and supporting conditions.

Two very important documents were prepared within the project:

Toolkit - National Adaptation Plans: Building Climate Resilience in Agriculture

Connect with the videos, lecture notes and ongoing conversations from the massive open online course (MOOC) on National Adaptation Plans: Building Climate Resilience in Agriculture in this comprehensive online toolkit. Materials presented here were originally shared via the One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership Platform (UNCC:Learn) Platform during a six-week MOOC. The course is still available for self-paced learning on UNCC:Learn.

Embassy of Finland
The World Bank
Evropski progres
Kingdom of Netherlands
Ministarstvo pojoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede
Norwegian Embassy
UN Habitat
Nacionalni konvent o Evropskoj uniji